Sanitary Sewer

Sanitary sewers carry water and sewage from kitchens, bathrooms, and other plumbing components in your home or commercial space. From there, the sewage goes to a septic tank or to the wastewater treatment plant where it is filtered, treated, and discharged. Since sewers and septic tanks are located underground, someone has to dig down to those pipes—and Baker Enterprises, Inc is well-equipped for that job. Whether you need to repair an existing system or dig a new sewer line, we’re here to do the dirty work for you.


Contact us today if you need a quote for your residential or commercial project.

Why You Need an Experienced, Knowledgeable Contractor for Sanitary Sewers & Underground Utilities

There are so many things that can go wrong with a sanitary sewer. Old pipes can deteriorate over time and need to be replaced. Pipes can crack or get misaligned due to earth movement, especially if they are made with inferior materials or not installed properly. Tree roots can get in the way of old or poorly-installed sewer systems. Backups and blockages can occur, which can cause costly—and smelly—problems in your home or commercial space. If you need a repair to your sewer system or a whole new system, you want to hire a crew you can trust.

Baker Enterprises, Inc Knows Sanitary Sewer Excavation

Baker Enterprises, Inc is a trusted concrete and excavating company with many years of experience in the Northeast Iowa area. We have the equipment, resources, and experience needed to complete the job. Baker Enterprises, Inc knows that your project entails more than simply digging a hole. That is why we’re responsive to your needs throughout the entire construction process, from start to finish, and we offer many concrete and excavating services to better meet your needs. We’ll ensure your sanitary sewer system or septic tank is up and running as soon as possible.